Publication: Evaluation of the efficacy of asthma information videos (‘Moving On Asthma’) at improving knowledge in teenage children

Thursday 31 August 2023

We are delighted to announce the publication of the article ‘Evaluation of the efficacy of asthma information videos (‘Moving On Asthma’) at improving knowledge in teenage children’ in the Journal of Pediatric Pulmonology.

Moving on Asthma is a bespoke, web-based, video resource which aims to support the development of effective self-management skills in older children and young people with Asthma. It has been developed by the Respiratory Research Team at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Sheffield, supported by funding from NIHR CYP MedTech.

The article describes a study that evaluated the effectiveness of the resource in improving asthma knowledge in both asthmatic and asthma-naïve young people. The results support the use of ‘Moving on Asthma’ and similar digital, video-assisted, internet-based learning tools as an educational resource for young people with Asthma.

To read the open access journal or find more information on the Moving on Asthma website, please use the links below.