Have your say on how we can improve trials for child health interventions

Wedndesday 28 June 2023

Do you want to help set the agenda for how we can support the health of children and young people today? Help us improve the number and quality of child health interventions through the CHISEL project survey.

Children and young people, despite making up a significant proportion of the population, are underrepresented when it comes to trialling interventions to improve health. To support the health of children and young people and ensure they have access to the best treatments and preventative healthcare, trials to improve child health must become a priority.

The Paediatric Community of the Methodology Incubator is leading an exciting project with the support of the NIHR and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to address this gap in healthcare research. They aim to increase the number and quality of trials available for children and young people through CHISEL: Child health trials methodology challenges prioritisation project. In order to achieve this, they will set out to:

  1. Identify the range of challenges in designing and delivering child health trials
  2. Prioritise the Top 10 most important challenges that need to be addressed to increase the number and quality of child health trials

The first survey of this project is currently open and consists of four questions that are aimed at practitioners and methodologists with any level of experience in trials. With your help, this project will make the world of difference to children and young people in the UK by steering innovation and interventions for child health in the right direction.

For more information about this incredible project and those involved, and to have your say on this vital area of research, please use the links below. If you have any questions, you can contact the project lead, Dr Niina Kolehmainan, Newcastle University, via niina.kolehmainen@newcastle.ac.uk