A bright future for child health technology in our region

Thursday 18 March 2021

Next week sees the launch of the UK’s first Child Health Technology Conference, Child Health Technology 2021 (CHT 2021).

To mark the coming of CHT2021, the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN are posting a series of blogs and news articles throughout this week profiling some of the innovators we’re working with at the moment.

The series kicks off with Professor Paul Dimitri, Founder of CHT2021, Director of the NIHR Children and Young People MedTech Co-operative, Professor of Child Health, and Director of Research and Innovation at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, telling the story of how child health technology has developed in our region and his ambitions for its future growth.

We are delighted that the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN are Gold Sponsors of CHT2021.